SFC Archive

As part of our regular life in SFC, the members come together once a month for a chapter prayer assembly. Attendance at these prayer assemblies is required for all members.
The prayer assembly is important for the life of SFC for the following reasons:
  1. The larger body (the chapter) has an opportunity to worship the Lord together, thus affirming that we are His people and we are one.
  2. This is a time to allow the Lord to speak to us as a body, through prophecies, inspired Scripture readings, exhortations and personal sharing. Through these words from the Lord, we receive guidance, encouragement and strength as a body.
  3. This is an opportunity to fellowship and meet our brethren from other households and units, and thus to develop and strengthen relationships.
  4. It affords an opportunity for united and thus more effective action in the areas of intercession and spiritual warfare.
  5. It helps us be attuned to and appreciate what God is doing in and through SFC, thus sharpening our vision and our sense of mission.
 Every member should participate wholeheartedly and actively in the prayer assembly. More specifically, all should:
  1. Prepare themselves spiritually prior to the start of the assembly.
  2. Bring their Bible and paper for notes.
  3. Come early and take time for fellowship.
  4. Come to order quickly at the end of the gathering song, and follow the directions of the prayer assembly leader.
  5. Participate actively in praise and worship.
  6. Be sensitive to the Spirit. If led to speak a word from the Lord or to give a personal testimony, they should boldly present themselves to the leader.
  7. Enter into the prayers being made by the leader or other persons and make these prayers their own.
  8. Actively listen to the personal sharing, and exhortations, and avoid private conversations.

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