Drawing with a Purpose
I have been given a gift of creating something through my hands with the use of a pen and paper by the Greatest Artist and Creator – GOD. In order to return the favor and as my way of thanking Him, I’ve made a decision to use it to bring glory and magnify GOD.
It is not easy to draw for God. There is always a struggle between my spirit and my flesh. My soul wants to please God but my flesh only wants to please myself and other people. It’s a battle that many artists fail. Many artists have been making art with “mature content”, frontal nudity, hentai and perversion; forms of pornography just to feed the people’s lust including their own. I don’t want and never will be like them. I can only do it with the help of the Holy Spirit.
I’m not doing this as an obligation with regards to the Great Commission Jesus has given us before He ascended to heaven. As a Christian, it’s hard to separate my faith and what I do/draw. It is hard to keep myself from telling people about the Love of God knowing that it will give them hope and encouragement. I can’t keep something that I know could break their chains.
Through this website, I pray I can give encouragement and hope to people who have been struggling with their relationship with their family, friends and most importantly with GOD.
* No one would die without hearing the Gospel of Christ.
* No one would think they are alone.
* No one would feel unwanted or unloved.
* People are given hope.
* They would see the meaning and purpose of their lives.